
This podcast and resource wouldn’t exist without the support of you, our listeners. There are lots of ways to support the show and keep this resource available. Please do as many of the below as you are able. We appreciate you and your support.


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Help Us Close the Value-Action Gap

What is the value action gap? It’s that pesky space between wanting to recycle and actually getting your bottles into the recycle bin. It’s the difference between the ethical values we express, and the financial commitments and choices we actually make. We create these resources to bring awareness to the value action gap dilemma, educating people and businesses on the opportunities they have to close it as they move through the world. We are finding meaningful ways to inspire people by providing clear, actionable steps they can take. This happens through our podcast and blog, which we are committed to keeping free and accessible to as many people as possible.

Because we believe in living our values, we provide a platform to a diverse collection of talented writers and creators, paying them a competitive wage to help us bring this important content to life. Your financial support ensures that we are able to continue this work and expand the tools and resources we are able to offer.

If you’d like to make a one time gift, you can do so below through our DonorBox. If you’d like to make an ongoing annual or monthly commitment, giving you access to bonus materials like full interview sessions, weekly discovery posts, and a peek behind the scenes as to how this content gets made, JOIN US ON PATREON.

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